WelcomePage RecentChanges SpwWiki


I think "page" which lists all unapplied patches would be very useful. Much as RecentChanges? tells about content changes, RecentPatches would list patches that are within the 4 day veto period, and also those which had been applied within 30, 60, or 90 days.

I also think some kind of UnitTest? testing should be required with a patch, simply to make sure someone has at least examined the problems/changes which could occur from applying a patch.

Now, to load the code and make a patch to include the RecentPatches page... **GRIN** - DavidWhitten

I very much agree on both counts. In fact, RecentPatches was on the ToDo list (in the form of a cryptic note to myself about "view pending"), and UnitTests are on the RoadMap. Welcome to S.P.W., and thanks for your tidying up, too.

Btw, what do you think of the idea of changing the name of this to ReprogrammableWiki? or CommunityProgrammedWiki? Do you have a preference?

-- BayleShanks

Methinks a name is sweet as a rose to its creator, and since you are the creator, I expect that any name you like will be fine with me. I think you are to be greatly praised for working on this idea rather than just discussing it. I generally think names should be pronounce-able (ie: spew or spaw is the only pronunciation I can think of for SPW, and it is far better an idea/system than such a pronunciation would imply) Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to pronounce your other suggestions either.

Another aspect of this might be to NOT have RecentPatches as a 'special name', but to have an action that will find all pages that contain text (passed as arguments to the URL), and which have been modified within a certain number of days (also as an argument).

Combining this with a way to treat the contents of a page as a command line, and we have a general way to build specialized Recent pages, without special cases in the code.

I'm putting questions/problems I run into on my personal page. -- DaveWhitten
