This is shorter term/more detailed stuff. For long-term term/bigger picture stuff, see RoadMap. * change references * Reorganize documentation ** reference somewhere * Put .3 in comment header * Announce .3 * BayleShanks: Read up on security * "Pending" (view pending) action. See RecentPatches. * when making tarball, leave out pending pages * script to change the diffs path and the SPW_BASE path at once -- in fact, script to install for testing. * sub-compartment stuff: ** document non-support of reentrant calls ** sanitize rDo's path argument ** put in plain file checks for runSub ** add sequential compartment evaluation to get the most out of * display, document recent changes to code (runSub, config, ..InitCommon, setSpw..., dopath, dopatchfromfile, showfile, showls, tar) * ShowFile config variable unused * Friendly version of UsemodUnsafe::allowedFilename * change 'tar' function to have a generic 'other' subfn (likewise, more subfns elsewhere in the DoMaintain and Process... code will improve readability) * consider change of name to something clearer; like PublicScript or CommunityProgrammedWiki ---- CategoryProjectAdmin
This change is a minor edit.
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