A longer-term to-do list/plan/vision. See ToDo for the shorter-term stuff. Ordering is only important insofar as stuff is before some "milestone". == Road Map == * Comment & clean up code * UnitTests ** Security unit tests * CVS support === Farther future === * Switch to Arch from cvs (I think personally Arch is cool, but I want to start with CVS because other people will be less likely to join if faced with that much newness all at once) * Lots of support for branching (see BranchingIdeas) * Split UseMod into individual functions/one (or a few) pages per function ** maybe do this virtually with patching! * [http://lxr.linux.no/ LXR]? [http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net/ ViewCVS]? * When SPW dies with an error, it should log the error ---- CategoryProjectAdmin
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